

The 在线电子游戏网赌 Office of Grants and Strategic Initiatives (OGSI) follows a simple 5-step process to help faculty and staff prepare for grant submission:

  • Step 1 - Submit the grant idea online

    Complete this online submission form to document details about the grant idea by clicking here.

  • Step 2 - Follow-up phone conversation and checklist completion

    After receiving your idea online, the OGSP will call you at the phone number submitted online for a follow-up phone conversation.

    During this contact, more specific questions about your request will be asked and an appointment will be scheduled for a Strategy Meeting with the Director of Grants and Strategic Initiatives.

    After this initial conversation, potential grantees should download and complete this Dean's/VP Checklist in Word format. Have your Dean/Vice President sign it prior to the Strategy Meeting to ensure the proper channels of communication are kept open during the proposal planning process.

  • Step 3 - Strategy Meeting

    There are two approaches possible for the Strategy Meeting.

    1. Requests in the early stages of development: You have ideas for a project or grant proposal but no funding sources? During the Strategy Meeting, you will review and enhance your project ideas to determine if they are feasible and fundable, and assistance will be provided to determine a course of action in pursuing potential funding;
    2. Requests already identified a potential funder (or funders) for a project: During this meeting, you will review the information and already-completed work on your proposal. The OGSP will help you create an activity checklist and timeline to detail the required activities and persons responsible for each activity related to your grant
  • Step 4 - Continuous Proposal Support

    Depending on the details decided on during the Strategy Meeting, the OGSP will provide assistance with writing the grant proposal and will coordinate the submission of the documents to the grantor.

  • Step 5 - Proposal Completion

    The OGSP will help determine if all grant requirements have been satisfied and are ready for submission. As determined by the activity checklist and timeline from your Strategy Meeting, the OGSP will facilitate the process of a successful proposal submission by the due date of the RFP. Once funding has been awarded, the OGSP will also communicate with the Business Office to have the grant set-up with the Controller to designate appropriate budget codes.